De situ Hierosolimae. Epistola ad Faustum presbyterum: l’itinerario e il “pellegrinaggio” al Santo Sepolcro di (Pseudo-)Eucherio di Lione (V-VII secolo)


  • Filomena Bisceglia Sapienza Università di Roma

Parole chiave:

Eucherius , Sources , Holy Spulchre , Itinerary , Jerusalem


The analysis of the De Situ Hierosolimae, a pseudo-epigraphic work, and a comparison with sources related to the more general context of pilgrimages to the Holy Land and, specifically, to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, has made it possible to take a critical view of (Pseudo-) Eucherus' epistle. The work's content, despite alluding to an undone pilgrimage, can be considered as a valuable source on the orographic and urban configuration of Jerusalem, the knowledge of the loca sancta between the 5th and 7th century, and a precious evidence of a spiritual pilgrimage, made through the literary expedient of the epistle.






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