«… entramo col nome di Dio in Gerusalem ...». Costi e percorsi dei pellegrini nel Trecento.


  • Arturo M. Maiorca Sapienza Università di Roma

Parole chiave:

journey , pilgrimage, costs , religion


Starting from the analysis of the ending part of the text Journey to the Holy Places, written by the Florentine pilgrim Giorgio Gucci at the end of the 14th century, it is interesting to explore methods and costs of organizing a journey to Jerusalem, the places to visit and all expenses, such as food, medicines and animal rental, essential to complete the itinerary. The analysis of the last chapter, which contains the account of the expenses sustained by Gucci himself and his pilgrimage companions in their round trip from Florence to Jerusalem, useful information about costs of the passagium in the Holy Land can be obtained.






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