I Fiorentini, i Medici e Gerusalemme. La signoria medicea tra crociata e Terrasanta nel XV secolo.
Parole chiave:
Cenacle, Rustici , Rinuccini , Medici, FlorenceAbstract
This article analyzes the complex relations between the Florentine patriciate, the Holy Sepulchre, and the practice of the Gerosolimitan pilgrimage in the 15th century, regarding the role of the Medici family. After determining the sources, the author highlights the contexts, functions, and main characters of the pervasiveness of the Crusader ideology through the accounts of Florentine pilgrims, including the Rustici code. The analysis of this manuscript, datable to the fifties of the fifteenth century, along with some later reports, such as the Sanctissimo Peregrinaggio del Sancto Sepolcro by Alessandro Rinuccini (1474), allows shedding light on the interventions that express the link between the Medici family and the forms of representation of the Holy Land.##submission.downloads##
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