Personalità e azione politica di Aldo Moro nei documenti del Nationaal Archief dell’Aja (1964-1974)
Parole chiave:
Dutch sources, Italy in the 70's, Aldo Moro, Europe, First enlargementAbstract
The documents of the Nationaal Archief of The Hague - here presented with a chronologically rearranged selection and translated from the original in Dutch - allow us to trace an undoubtedly original profile of Aldo Moro, both in his capacity as Italian Primeminister and as minister of Foreign Affairs. Through the eye of the Dutch observer it is in fact possible both to highlight some lesser known aspects of one of the most famous and authoritative figures in the Italian political landscape of the so-called First Republic, and to confirm the characteristics and objectives of Moro's politics and thought already emerged through the recent historiographic analysis, especially with regard to European issues, relations with African countries, the internal dynamics of the DC and the dialogue with the Italian communists.##submission.downloads##
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