A Portrait of Giuseppe Levi, from the Letters Written to Rodolfo Amprino


  • Delfina Amprino Bonetti


History, 20th Century, History of Medicine, Rita Levi Montalcini, Scientific Biography, Italy


A portrait of professor Giuseppe Levi from letters to Rodolfo Amprino. Working from the 113 letters spanning the years 1956 - 1964 which Professor Giuseppe Levi wrote to Rodolfo Amprino and are preserved in the archive of the latter, we have made a selection of the most significant passages, those which best illustrate traits and attitudes of Professor Levi’s personality. 1st) The professor’s great devotion to his family and his deep friendship and esteem for his pupil. 2nd) His insight and clarity when evaluating people and scientific and didactic literature. 3rd) His interest and impassioned participation in questions of research. 4th) His lofty sense of respect and responsibility for the office to which he belonged. 5th) His engagement and active participation in the activities deriving from that office, such as academic competitions, awards, and committees, with evident care to contribute through discerning choices to raising the cultural and moral level . 6th) The stringent rigor of his critiques. 7th) His strong sense of personal dignity and his reserve when confronted with the problems of his old age. 8th) His indomitable will to move forward.    





