Paulina Oszajca
Museum of the History of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, P
Zbigniew Bela
Museum of the History of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, P
Arte de’ Speziali, Guild , Bologna , Pharmacy , Apothecary
The article discusses the main changes in legislation concerning granting the licenses for opening a new pharmacy in Bologna in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. The organization of all traders, including apothecaries, was subordinated, as almost everywhere in Italy, to the Guilds. In the 2nd half of 16th century the Arte de’ Speziali of Bologna came under the jurisdiction of the Collegio di Medicina, leading to disagreements between the two corporations. Giovanni Baldi, in his Notizie storiche su la farmacia bolognese (Bologna, 1955) mentioned one of these controversies, dating on the second half of 18th century. The Authors present this controversy basing on original documents from Archivio di Stato di Bologna.