Between Horror and Science: The Birth of a Cabinet of Pathological Anathomy at the University of Palermo
Lucia Craxi
Department of Sciences for Health Promotion “G. D'Alessandro "Section of Pathological Anatomy University of Palermo, I
Emiliano Maresi
Department of Sciences for Health Promotion “G. D'Alessandro "Section of Pathological Anatomy University of Palermo, I
Vito Franco
Department of Sciences for Health Promotion “G. D'Alessandro "Section of Pathological Anatomy University of Palermo, I
This paper outlines the history of the Cabinet of Pathological Anathomy at the University of Palermo, describes rapidly its current status and analyzes the composition of its displays in 1859. It aims to highlight the analogies with other collections of a similar kind and to pinpoint potential actions to endorse and develop this important scientific asset.