Not Only Bottles. Glass Baby's Bottles In Between The Second Half of XIXth Century and The First Decades of The XXth


  • Ezio Sartori UO Pediatric Medicine, AO San Camillo Forlanini, Rome


Nursing bottles , Infant feeding history, Artificial feeding


Mother's milk is the best food for the baby. The need to use foods other than mother's milk has always represented a challenging problem to be solved. The author warns that the high mortality during the first year of life during the early years of the XX century (20%) peaked at an unlacing 80% in children artificially fed at orphanages. In the considered years, the usage of baby's bottle spread among babies that could sot be fed by mothers or wetnurses. The idea of rubber teat 1845 and of automatic devices for the production of glass bottle -1903- contributed to the diffusion of the baby's battle. First baby's bottles were variously shaped. However, the finding of se-vere gastroenteritis caused by a long rubber tube attached to the rubber teat (the so-called death-bottle), together with the necessity of a careful cleaning and the diffusion of Soxliket's system (sterilization of many bottles in the same container) will lead to the choice of large mouthed cylindrical bottles, very similar to the plastic bottles used nowadays.     





