Southern Genes. Genetics and its Institutions in the Italian South, 1930s-1970s
Fabio De Sio
History of Science unit and Historical Archive, Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”, Napoli, I
Mauro Capocci
Dept of Experimental medicine, Section of History of Medicine, ''La Sapienza'' University of Rome, I
Genetics , Medical Genetics, Prenatal Diagnosis , Sex Determination, Italian Scientific Institutions
The paper examines the historical vicissitudes of Genetics and Medical Genetics in the “Mezzogiorno”, focussing on the emergence of local traditions and their mingling with international trends. The development of these disciplines took place in a peculiar mix of politics and science that lead to a rapid growth in the ‘50s and the ‘60s, followed by an harsh crisis. Though important and enduring results were attained, Italian genetics community failed to maintain the status reached in the two preceding decades, and quickly moved to the periphery of international networks.