The Embryologicals Passages in the "Conciliator" of Peter of Abano: Comparison between Culturals Models
Romana Martorelli Vico
Storia della Filosofia Medioevale,
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, I
In the Conciliator, Peter of Abano very often uses a wide variety of keywords that refer to embryologicals doctrines of Aristotelian and Galenical tradition, renowned between physicians and philosophers of the Latin West. The examination of some very important recurrences enable to highlight how the way of thinking of Peter of Abano on themes of the generation is not radically Aristotelian but considers the essential empiric contributions of the Galenism Key words: Peter of Abano - Embriology - Generation - Aristotelism - Galenism