Antonio De Donno
Section of Forensic Medicine - University of Bari
Giovanni Zambetta
Medical-Legal Director of the "Miulli" Hospital - Acquaviva delle Fonti
Daniela Carlucci
Section of Forensic Medicine - University of Bari
Valeria Santoro
Section of Forensic Medicine - University of Bari
Francesco Introna
Section of Forensic Medicine - University of Bari
Dactyloscopy , Forensic odontology, DNA
The procedures that allow identification have evolved during the time inevitably, as a consequence of ever new technologies that can simplify and widen their own application. Nevertheless, it is interesting to focus the attention on how, although time goes by and the use of complex tools, these techniques are based on principles already used by our predecessors and able to resist to the changes imposed by our age. Indeed, if DNA studies can be considered to be recent discovery, the other identification techniques find their reason in past ages; for example dactyloscopy science, identification through bones, forensic odontology that represent milestones of this discipline. Our study underlines that a few aspect of this science have been completely abandoned, some of them are used in the recent identification inquires, other represent a milestone in the development of this science.