The"New" Historical Medicine Museum of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". A Formative-Didactic Itinerary.
Carla Serarcangeli
Museum of the History of Medicine Department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology University of Rome "La Sapienza", I
University Museum, History of Medicine, Didactics
The main challenge of a museum, besides the classical tasks of collecting, cataloguing, preserving precious objects, is to deliver through these a cul-tural and educational message. While organizing the historical medicine museum we have consider of im-portance the use of the museum in the educational didactis of medical stu-dents and other related disciplines. A logical and rational itinerary was created to delineate the different as-pects of medical knowledge (teorical, practical and behavioural). The choice of the exposed objects allows the visitor to follow, during centuries, the evolution of ideas, expertises and technical progress of medical instruments.