Zonizzazione e direzioni privilegiate: riflessioni geografiche a partire dal Friuli Venezia Giulia
analisi territoriale, indicatori socio-economici, analisi dei cluster, vincolo di contiguitàAbstract
The aim of this paper is to offer some empirical reflections on the construction of homogeneous regions through the use of classical clustering algorithms. After defining what a territorial analysis is and evaluating the different ways of conceiving and identifying a region, the article focuses on the empirical aspects of the automatic procedure of classification employed to seek homogeneity with respect to selected indicators. Starting from different zoning experiences developed through multivariate analysis methods, using as reference the Italian Friuli Venezia Giulia region, the paper will explain the decisions, which have a subjective and qualitative nature, that a researcher must take into account, such as the possibility of introducing the contiguity constraint in the analysis. Finally, the article will discuss the use of “direction indicators”, if these exist, to solve partially the issue of contiguity among territorial units. Some examples, relating to the refuelling across the Slovenian border and to the Regional Landscape Plan, will be proposed.
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