La Calabria e i neoborbonici
DOI: chiave:
Memory, Risorgimento, Revisionism, Calabria, Neo-BourbonismAbstract
The essay shows how neo-Bourbon revisionism reinterprets the epopee of the Risorgimento by making it a negative turning point and the main cause of the backwardness, abandonment, emigration, and poverty of Southern Italy. In an era in which the socioeconomic conditions of the south of the peninsula are destabilized and national politics shows some disinterest, the neo-Bourbons promote their vision of history with a renewed appeal. Calabria is a relevant example of this story – it is a place used by revisionists to confirm their bizarre historical views. The article challenges this narrative and some anti-Risorgimento myths.
Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Mammone

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