L’europeismo di Nilde Iotti negli anni della presidenza della Camera (1979-92)
https://doi.org/10.13133/2723-9489/1709Parole chiave:
Nilde Iotti, Italian Communist Party, Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament, EECAbstract
The essay examines Nilde Iotti’s contribution to the process of European integration
during her presidency of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1979-92),
focusing on two areas of political-institutional activity: public discourse and interparliamentary
work. The analysis of the themes present in her public discourse
makes it possible to extrapolate the contents, the connections and, ultimately, the
meaning (also civil and pedagogical) of the Europeanism conveyed by the third
Office of the Italian State. The focus on interparliamentary work highlights the
commitment to the creation of a stable network among the national parliaments
of the EEC member states and between them and the European Parliament: an
area in which Iotti was active, moved by the conviction that the exchange of
experiences and, above all, the difficult but necessary search for common initiatives
and priorities were decisive factors for the democratic strengthening of the
process of European construction.
Copyright (c) 2024 Stefano Mangullo

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