L’evoluzione dell’europeismo del PCI attraverso le campagne per le elezioni europee (1979-89)
Considering the evolution of the PCI’s Europeanism means paying attention
to one of the aspects that have contributed to marking a culture, that of the
Italian Communist Party, which was continually committed to identifying the
modern features of a political project rooted in tradition. In this perspective,
the electoral campaigns for the European Parliament help us to understand how
crucial it was for the party to engage in the European context to face the main
political and economic emergencies of those years by re-proposing, at a supranational
level, the confrontation/clash between progressives and conservatives.
On the other hand, however, one can also identify in the PCI’s Europeanism
the sense of a national burden that weighed on the party, namely that of making
changes to the Italian system.
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