I Verdi italiani e il processo di integrazione europea fino alla prima metà degli anni Novanta
The article analyses the emergence of visions, proposals and projects for European
integration within the Federation of Green Lists, focusing on the period
between the birth of the Green Lists in the mid-1980s and the first experience
of participation of Italian Green MEPs in the European Parliament, in the
newly created Green Group. From the Europe of Regions to the development
of a Eurofederalist proposal, thanks above all to the action of Adelaide Aglietta
and Alexander Langer in the European Parliament, the contribution intends
to present the main features of a pan-European green federalism, aimed at the
democratisation of the European Union, in a context marked by the end of the
Cold War and deep transformations in international relations between hopes
for peace and new scenarios of war.
Copyright (c) 2024 Giorgio Grimaldi

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