«Un Historia over Annali del Seminario Romano»: gesuiti e celebrazione storiografica nella Roma barocca (1640-47)
The article intends to explore the theme of historiographical celebration within
the Society of Jesus through the specific case of the Seminario Romano, founded
by the Pope but managed by the order. The main source analyzed is the unpublished
manuscript of the Annali del Seminario Romano, written by the Jesuit
Girolamo Nappi between 1640 and 1647. The work, which provides a very
detailed depiction of the institute, is part of the broader phenomenon of the historiography
of religious orders in the post-tridentine age. Particular attention
has been paid to the section of the Annali concerning the vite of model former
students, through which the author illustrates the values of the Societas Iesu.
Copyright (c) 2024 Francesco Franconi

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