Joining forces between scientists and citizens: new records and updated distribution of Oryctes nasicornis grypus (Illiger, 1803) in the north-western Iberian Peninsula (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae)
Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae , Citizen science, natural history, Galicia, gegeographic distributionAbstract
The lack of detailed geographical distribution knowledge prevents defi ning reliable distribution ranges for many insects. Combining data from entomological collections, literature, citizen science and social media can frequently address this problem, but analysing the contribution of each information source is rarely applied. Oryctes nasicornis grypus is widely distributed across the Iberian Peninsula, but records from the Atlantic Arch, especially Galicia, are scarce. By reviewing literature, entomological collections, citizen science projects and social media, we delineated a more accurate distribution range for this species in Galicia, gathering 103 records and identifying 17 new grid cells. Additionally, we analysed the relative contribution of each information source for mapping this species. Social media contributed the most new grid cells (41.18%), followed by citizen science (29.41%) and entomological collections (23.53%). Furthermore, this work highlights the importance of public involvement in improving insect distribution knowledge and establishes a baseline for filling distribution gaps of O. nasicornis grypus in the northwestern Iberia.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Alejandro López-Núñez, Sergio Rojo

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