Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Clanoptilus Motschulsky, 1854 in Italy (Coleoptera: Cleroidea, Malachiidae)
Soft-winged Flower Beetles, identification keys, distribution, new synonymy, new subspeciesAbstract
In this paper, the species of the genus Clanoptilus Motschulsky, 1854 mentioned for the Italian territory are reviewed. Two separate keys are provided for identification of males and females. For each species a discussion of taxonomic status and distribution in Italy, and the list of localities of studied specimens are also presented. Clanoptilus affinis subconcolor (Pic, 1911) and Clanoptilus spinipennis brevispina (Kiesenwetter, 1871) are tentatively proposed as valid subspecies or separate semi-species. The new synonymy Clanoptilus bellieri (Peyron, 1877) = Clanoptilus transadriaticus (Evers, 1970) is also proposed.