Orthopteran diversity and distribution in the Monviso Natural Park (Western Italian Alps) (Insecta: Orthoptera)
Checklist, endemic species, near-threatened species, elevation, systematic review, Cottian AlpsAbstract
The Alps represent a biodiversity hotspot in Europe, especially due to the occurrence of many endemic plant and animal species. In particular, the southwestern portions of the Alpine range have been identified as a centre of endemism for many taxa, including Orthoptera, thanks to the peculiar biogeographical history of this area. In this research, the orthopteran fauna living in one of the main massifs of the Italian western Alps (Monviso massif, Cottian Alps) was investigated, focusing on the Monviso Natural Park and the SAC/SPA IT1160058 “Gruppo del Monviso e Bosco dell’Alevé” territories. Merging field data with information gathered from bibliographical sources, public and private databases, a checklist of 51 species was compiled for the study area, including 7 W-Alpine endemic species and 4 Near-threatened taxa according to the European IUCN orthopteran Red List. Species distribution has been mapped in detail within the park, identifying core areas for endemic and near-threatened species, as well as for the overall orthopteran diversity, where desirable research and conservation efforts should be focused in future. In addition, combining field data with the information obtained by means of a little systematic review, the known elevation extremes of 43 orthopteran species observed in the study area are updated for the W-Alpine region, significantly improving the current knowledge on their altitudinal distribution in this area, especially in view of the upward range shifts expected in the ongoing climate change scenario.
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