New records of Tarucus balkanicus at the northern limit of its distribution along the Adriatic coast (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Lycaenidae)
Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, distribution,, habitat, Paliurus spina-christiAbstract
Occurrences of the Little Tiger Blue, Tarucus balkanicus (Freyer, 1844) in Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina represent the northern and western distribution limits of this species in its entire range. During our surveys the species was observed at 27 locations in Croatia and two new locations in Bosnia & Herzegovina. The most interesting records are from the three northern Adriatic islands: Cres, Rab and Pag, which represent a significant northward extension in the known range of the species in Croatia. While the records from Bosnia & Herzegovina fall into their known range, they represent the only observations of the species in more than 30 years. We redefined the distribution limits of its range in the Balkan Peninsula, including four Adriatic islands. Its habitat in the region is not under direct threat, at least in the short-term. Moreover, its hostplant P. spina-christi Mill., thrives in abandoned pastures and grasslands in Mediterranean and submediterranean regions in both countries and is one of the more successful colonizers of such abandoned areas. Thus, the species is not considered threatened at least in Croatia and could benefit from ongoing abandonment of the pastures and grasslands as well as climate change.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Toni Koren, Boris Laus, Ivona Burić, Ana Štih, Dejan Kulijer, Dubravko Dender, Darija Kranželić, Bruno Schmidt, Rudi Verovnik

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