The Shape of a Language


  • Iolanda Plescia, Ed.


Issue no. 3 of Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies, edited by Iolanda Plescia (Sapienza University of Rome), adds fresh contributions to the debate on Shakespeare's language and early modern English. The essays take a variety of textual issues into account, contributing also to explore metholodological perspectives such as the use of digital tools and modern and applied linguistics to investigate the literary text, as well as the status of literary linguistics.

Contributors: Jonathan Culpeper, Jonathan Hope, Michael Ingham, Richard Ingham, Roberta Mullini, Irene Ranzato, Russ McDonald.

Includes a Miscellaneous section with contributions by Nadia Fusini, Rosy Colombo and Alessandro Roccati, as well as a Review section of Selected Publications in Shakespeare Studies (2014-16). 


Come citare

Plescia, Ed., I. (2017). The Shape of a Language. Memoria Di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies, (3), I–XIV, 1. Recuperato da



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