About the Journal

About the Journal

The Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia, a periodical based at the Sapienza University of Rome, is born as a scientific journal within the Geography Institute (Istituto di Geografia, 1988), is distributed out of charge in about 300 university departments and schools in Italy as well as abroad, is available in open access since 2011, and has, since 2021, an online ISSN code.

The journal publishes original articles in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and, besides the section dedicated to the scientific articles, hosts the special features of Geoframe, Diario, and Lo Scaffale. Each volume can be published either in a regular form or as a special issue. Furthermore, since 2020 the journal offers the possibility to include an additional special issue within the second volume, titled Quaderni del Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia (Notebooks of the Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia).

Pursuing a wide range of geographic and territorial themes, the journal seeks to generate a scientific debate within the geographic community but, at the same time, dialectically with other scientific communities. The possibility to publish texts in 4 languages other than the Italian and the standardized presence of each abstract, title and key-words in both English and French allows for opening up the debates of interest towards the international academic community, simultaneousloy involving progressively scholars of foreign institutions within the various bodies of the journal (i.e. management, Scientific Committee, Editorial Board, Board of Revision).

The collaboration with the journal is free.

The guidelines for the submission of new manuscripts as well as regarding the writing style are available in the section “Proposte”



A-ranked scientific journal in the scientific discipline 11 (historical, philosophical, educational and psychological sciences), Sector B1: Geography and, since 11/10/2021, included in the journals of the following scientific disciplines: 8 (Civil Engineering and Architecture), 12 (Economic and statistical sciences) and 14 (Political and Social Sciences).


Peer-review process

All submitted manuscripts are initially subject to automatic plagiarism control through a special software software.

The following stage aims at controlling and reassuring the validity of the content, the scientific quality and the originality of the contributions. All submissions undergo a preliminary evaluation by the Managerial Board and, once considered suitable for publication, undergo a double blind peer-review by at least a number of two experts in the field. The publications within the Geoframe, Diario, Lo Scaffale features are evaluated by the Managerial Board as well as the supervisors of each feature.

The revised drafts are given confidentially to the members of the Review Board or/and to the external reviewers as selected by the Editorial Board based on the expertise of the reviewers.

The decisions of the reviewers and the Managerial Board are unquestionable and every communication between reviewers and authors is handled by the Editorial Board.


Regularity of publication

The journal is biannual. Issues are published on June and December of each year. The publications are open access on the journal’s website whereas hard copies are shipped out of charge to about 300 university departments and schools both in Italy and abroad.


Open access

Authors are not required to cover any costs for the elaboration and publication of their manuscripts (article processing charge – APC).



The journal is member of the PKP network.



The ethical criteria of the journal are available here.


Sponsors and financial resources

The journal belongs to, and is financed by the Sapienza University of Rome. Bodies that support the publication of an additional special issue within each year’s second issue (Quaderni del Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia) are expected to contribute to the editorial and publication costs.


Story of the Journal

Heir to the Pubblicazioni dell’Istituto di Geografia (Publications of the Institute of Geography, established in 1931) Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia is, since 1988, the journal of the geographers based at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the Sapienza University of Rome. Professor Emanuele Paratore has been the Director of the journal from its foundation until November 1st 2013. Professor Gino De Vecchis followed him until November 1st 2017, supported by the co-directors Prof. Riccardo Morri and Prof. Petros Petsimeris (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne). The Rector’s order of January 31st 2018 declares Professor Riccardo Morri the next, and current, Director of the journal, who is supported by, besides Petros Petsimeris, two new Co-Directors, namely Floriana Galluccio (Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale) e Marco Maggioli (Libera università di lingue e comunicazione IULM di Milano).

Dr. Monica De Filpo is responsible for the digitalization and the open-access publication of about 70 issues of the Publications of the institute of Geography between 1931 and 1989