Culture della migrazione e costruzione degli immaginari


  • Angelo Turco Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM



Cultures of Migration and Imaginative Construction of Mobility
As complex socio-spatial phenomenon, migration has always and everywhere been present in human history, constituting a crucial factor in the circulation of culture, wealth and power. Numerous theoretical approaches have been followed in attempts to account for it, and the forms, rhythms, and typologies of migration have been described in studies which often do not hesitate to put forward explanations on a continental scale and even cross-continental comparisons. This essay offers innovative readings which focus on the cultural and imaginary dimension of migration. In adopting a communicative perspective, it tries to go beyond “etiological” approaches to migration, such as those based on “push-pull” models. At the same time, the essay attempts to free our understanding of migration from strait-jacket conceptions of paratactic
series of spaces blindly determined by natural and political borders, restoring to it the liminal geography which generates its own special modes of cultural representation and territoriality.

Cultures de la migration et construction des imaginaires
Phénomène socio-spatial complexe, la migration accompagne l’histoire humaine dans son universalité, en constituant un des facteurs cruciaux de production et de circulation de culture, de richesse, de pouvoir. De nombreuses approches théoriques essayent d’en donner des explications plus ou moins exhaustives. De même, les formes, les rythmes, les typologies de la migration sont décrits dans des nombreuses études, par
des thématisation qui s’articulent à différentes échelles. Cet essai explore la relation entre la culture de la migration et l’imaginaire migratoire. En assumant une perspective communicationnelle, il cherche à dépasser les approches “étiologiques” à la migration, tels les modèles push-pull. En même temps, cet article propose de soustraire le fait migratoire à la logique parataxique, dominée par le pouvoir aveugle des espaces et des confins, en le restituant à la territorialité liminaire qui génère les cadres géographiques de sa représentation appropriée.

Author Biography

Angelo Turco, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM

Prorettore VicarioProrettore con delega alla Didattica e alla RicercaProfessore ordinario di Geografia UmanaDipartimento di Studi classici, umanistici e geografici




