Intangible Cultural Heritage UnescoIn 1972 UNESCO adopts the “Convention for the protection of the world
cultural and natural heritage”, with the famous “sites”. In 1999 the
Executive Committee plans the setting up of a list of “Masterpieces of oral
and intangible heritage of humanity”. Following the immediate positive
feedback on the part of a number of states on 17 October 2003, during
its 23rd session in Paris, the UNESCO General Conference approves the
“Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage”.
An analysis is carried out of the terms of the convention, the answer of
the states, the number and typology of the sites up to 2010 (the next
proposals will be in 2014), the historical framework and the selection
criteria. The most interesting fact is represented by the disregard of very
important states, which do not appear either as adherents or on the list:
old ones like Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands or young ones
like Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.
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