L’imprevedibile virtù dell’ambiguità. Il caso Fargo nel panorama della serialità televisiva di ultima generazione


  • Gianlorenzo Attanasio Università di Napoli Federico II




This study is divided into two sections, a first one of a more theoretical nature in which an attempt is made to introduce the concept of television seriality and to cast it within a theory of media that looks at the mechanisms of production and consumption, but above all at the possibilities of writing as a creative space in which complexity and originality are produced; in the second part, on the other hand, the series Fargo is analyzed as a model of a complex seriality, based on writing that repudiates the stereotype, and indeed tries to make it its punctum, overthrowing it insofar as it systematically sets out to disregard the viewer's expectations.



How to Cite

Attanasio, G. (2024). L’imprevedibile virtù dell’ambiguità. Il caso Fargo nel panorama della serialità televisiva di ultima generazione. Status Quaestionis, (26). https://doi.org/10.13133/2239-1983/18787