Il romanzo circadiano. Il caso di Cosmopolis di Don DeLillo


  • Luca Diani



This contribution intends to give a first theorization of circadian novel, which story is set in a single day, by adopting David Harvey’s concept of ‘time-space compression’ and Fre- dric Jameson’s literary theory of the political unconscious, to find a correlation between formal structure of these novels and historical context. Then, the essay focuses on a parti- cular twenty-first century circadian novel, Don DeLillo’s Cosmopolis, as the summary of an experimental narrative tradition, in order to offer a concrete analysis of the inner workings of one-day novels.

Author Biography

Luca Diani

Luca Diani ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Italianistica, culture letterarie europee, scienze linguistiche presso l’Università di Bologna, con una tesi in teoria della letteratura sotto la supervisione del professor Federico Bertoni. I suoi interessi si concentrano intorno alla teoria del romanzo, al rapporto tra letteratura e cinema, alla componente della nostalgia nelle narrazioni contemporanee.


2022-06-28 — Updated on 2022-06-28


How to Cite

Diani, L. . (2022). Il romanzo circadiano. Il caso di Cosmopolis di Don DeLillo. Status Quaestionis, (22).