Nuovi paradigmi universalistici di apprendimento basati su Web Science e su tecnologie umanistiche in campo linguistico e nelle abilità cognitive di base. La domanda di unità del sapere.


  • Stefano Lariccia Università di Roma "Sapienza"
  • Marco Montanari Università di Roma "Sapienza"



In this paper we present the prospects that the collaboration between computational linguistics and neuroscience can lead in the humanities; then we argue about how the discipline recently established in Europe, Humanistic Informatics, should take into account this new scenario. We present two European projects (one funded and one in preparation) in the field of learning, speech and interactions between people and automata; and, finally, we define a possible scenario for future research in the field of language studies and Web Science at the turn of Computer Science and human and psychological sciences, towards the establishment of an interdisciplinary laboratory that we propose here with the temporary name of WS&CAI, Web Science & Collective Assisted Intelligence. This Laboratory will host researches focused on this particular blend of interdisciplinary collaboration: Computational Linguistics and Neurosciences; Web Sciences and Pragmatics of Web Communication; Digital Heritage and Collective Intelligence.




Come citare

Lariccia, S., & Montanari, M. (2017). Nuovi paradigmi universalistici di apprendimento basati su Web Science e su tecnologie umanistiche in campo linguistico e nelle abilità cognitive di base. La domanda di unità del sapere. Status Quaestionis, (10).