Lavoratrici, operaie e donne delle pulizie nei romanzi di Giulia Fazzi


  • Alessandro Ceteroni "Sapienza" Università di Roma



Giulia Fazzi published her first novel, "Ferita di guerra", in 2005, and her second one, "Per il bene di tutti", in 2014. My paper focuses on the representations of women in the workforce in these novels, paying particular attention to the figures of the factory worker and the cleaning lady. By reflecting on the role that the theme of work plays in shaping female identity, we can trace the conflict between the protagonists and the patriarchal culture that prevails in small-town areas. In so doing, the paper aims at highlighting the process of producing and questioning stereotypes, such as the idea of women being the inferior gender who should be controlled. The paper concludes with an interview with Giulia Fazzi, which was given by correspondence in April 2019.

Biografia autore

Alessandro Ceteroni, "Sapienza" Università di Roma

Ricercatore in Letteratura inglese




Come citare

Ceteroni, A. (2019). Lavoratrici, operaie e donne delle pulizie nei romanzi di Giulia Fazzi. Status Quaestionis, (16).