Into the Translation for Museums, Festivals, and the Stage: Creativity and the Transmedial Turn




With the objective of scrutinising general standards, specific criteria and levels of creativity applied to translation practices, especially in light of recent research in audiovisual consumption and reception, creativity and transcreation, and arts accessibility and translation for the arts, the special issue seeks to contextualise the numerous shifts within the artisitc sector in relation to the theoretical and practical challenges that our increasingly technological culture poses for the modes of translation and accessibility. Contributors shed light upon a variety of cultural areas where translation, often combined with creativity, intervenes to localise aesthetic products under the network of transmediality. Attention is chiefly paid to three main fields within the cultural sector: museums, festivals, and theatres.



2022-12-23 — Aggiornato il 2024-01-03


Come citare

Rizzo, A. (2024). Into the Translation for Museums, Festivals, and the Stage: Creativity and the Transmedial Turn. Status Quaestionis, (23). (Original work published 2 gennaio 2023)