Questa è una versione superata pubblicata il 2022-12-23. Visita la versione più recente.

Emanuele Trevi e il ritratto eccezionale


  • Andrea Rondini Università degli Studi di Macerata



The article analyses the close relationship that in the literary production of Emanuele Trevi is established between the sense of individual uniqueness, the literary and photographic form of the portrait and death. The singularity is represented by personalities of writers and artists (Garboli, Patten, Rosselli, Carbone, Pera) each one exceptional in his or her own way and truly unique. These figures, symbol of the status of exception, are chosen as guides able to subtract the destiny of the narrator from the grip of the impersonality of Life as an anonymous-collective dimension and inertial mechanism. The artistic form chosen by the author in order to acknowledge this uniqueness is the portrait, especially where it is the post-mortem portrait, which definitively ratifies the unrepeatable physiognomy of the subject. Within these coordinates there are thematic cores (the amicable relationship, the gift) and a series of literary-philosophical references founding Trevi’s laboratory, from Giacomo Leopardi to Pier Paolo Pasolini, from Saul Bellow to Philip Roth and from Plato and Aristotle to James Hillman.





Come citare

Rondini, A. (2022). Emanuele Trevi e il ritratto eccezionale. Status Quaestionis, (23).