“Una storia di paesaggio”. Viaggio e visione in Orizzonte mobile di Daniele Del Giudice


  • Luigi Marfè Università di Padova




Daniele Del Giudice’s Orizzonte mobile (2009) is a “hyper-expedition” that includes the account of his journey through Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and Antartica, a rewriting of excerpts from the accounts of two expeditions in the late 19th century, and the author’s invention of a further journey, which he never made. The essay examines the hybrid elements of this narrative form, which sways between fiction and nonfiction, linking the spatial pursuit of the “movable horizon” with a turn back in time, aimed at breaking the usual perception of temporality. Orizzonte mobile is a “landscape tale” that interweaves travel and writing to define an original poetics of space.




Come citare

Marfè, L. (2023). “Una storia di paesaggio”. Viaggio e visione in Orizzonte mobile di Daniele Del Giudice. Status Quaestionis, (24). https://doi.org/10.13133/2239-1983/18403