About the Journal

Focus and Scope

L'Uomo is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal by Sapienza University in Rome. The journal encourages the elaboration, the comparison and the diffusion of anthropological knowledge. 

L'Uomo is a "Class A" journal, classified by ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) for the 11/A5 Recruitment Field. 

The journal is semi-annual, published every six months. It welcomes research articles, monographic sections, notes and reviews that pertain to all research areas of ethno-anthropological disciplines. The articles should be submitted in either Italian, English, French or Spanish.


Peer Review Process

Each submission is firstly assessed by the Executive Board. If judged in accordance with the journal's interests and scientific standards, the draft is then submitted to at least two external reviewers, appointed on the basis of their expertise. The appointed experts will review the submission through the process of a single-blind peer review, where only the reviewer remains anonymous. Authors can report up to two names who should not be considered amongst the possible reviewers of their text. Each reviewer should finish the reviewing process within a maximum of four weeks. After taking into account the reviewers' evaluation, the Executive Board will determine if the manuscript can be accepted for pubblication (with possible minor changes), if it should be revised by the Author and sumbitted for a second evaluation by reviewers, or if it was rejected. 

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal, believing that research results should be freely available and accessible to the public, in order to better the knowledge exchange on a global scale.


This journal is the property of Sapienza University of Rome and it is funded by the university.