Conflitto nel conflitto: una politica di conflict-resolution che si autoperpetua. Il caso della Karamoja (Uganda)


  • Mariano Pavanello


Africa, conflict-resolution, development, Karamoja, pastoralism, Uganda.


The pastoral groups of Karamoja (Uganda) got automatic weapons in the late 70s and since then on, the structural intra- and interethnic conflict in the area has progressively become wilder and wilder, and has been interweaving an ever-growing acute economic, ecological and humanitarian crisis. The international community is working since decades with the aim of promoting development and peace. The place of the conflict, both real and virtual, is twofold. On the one hand, it may be identified with the production theatre (pasture and agricultural lands, herds) marked by historical feuds and periodic clashes between the Karimojong warriors and the Ugandan armed forces; on the other, the virtual negotiation table around which local, national and international institutions play their interests for promoting development and peace projects. The author, comparing his fieldwork carried out in the years 1997-2001 with the most recent literature, critically analyzes the cooperation practices and the conflict-resolution policies in the area.



How to Cite

Pavanello, M. (2022). Conflitto nel conflitto: una politica di conflict-resolution che si autoperpetua. Il caso della Karamoja (Uganda). L’Uomo Società Tradizione Sviluppo, 7(2). Retrieved from


