Un’ipotesi concreta: la continuità d’esistenza del Regno delle Hawaii


  • Emanuela Borgnino


Kingdom of Hawaii, Kanaka Maoli, sovereignty, territorial claims, occupation


Does the Kingdom of Hawaii still exist as an independent and sovereign Nation? The paper aims to answer this question by reexamining the last hundred and fifty years of history. The historiographical approach analyzes the domestic and foreign policy of the Kingdom of Hawaii and its diplomatic relations; focusing in particular on the finding of the Treaty of commerce and navigation signed between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1863. This historic path focuses on the overthrown and the subsequent occupation of the Islands by the United States; showing that the presumption of existence of an independent State called the Kingdom of Hawaii is concrete. The second part follows a reflection on the Hawaiian Renaissance that has reawakened the pride to be Kanaka Maoli and trigged the birth of many political movements struggling for the recognition of the Hawaiian sovereignty. These movements – though with different agendas – agree on the need to educate Kanaka Maoli on their past, which manifests itself in a deep sense of responsibility to disclose, discover and recall the “true” history of the Kingdom of Hawaii. 



How to Cite

Borgnino, E. (2022). Un’ipotesi concreta: la continuità d’esistenza del Regno delle Hawaii. L’Uomo Società Tradizione Sviluppo, 6(2). Retrieved from https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/uomo/article/view/17998