Le don polynésien. Le cas de Samoa et une analyse régionale de la valeur cosmologique



Polynesia, Samoa, Tonga, Mauss, Gift, gender, blood, procreation, fabrics, pigs


We wonder about the cultural unity of the gift (given objects, circulations, lexicon regarding the act of giving objects and actions) in the Polynesian ceremonial. By comparing the Samoa custom to the Tonga or the Wallis ones, it becomes clear that the company bumps into some differences and some terminological inversions. The Samoan terminology studied in literature was incomplete and misunderstood. This article reconsideres the knowledge of Samoa and it enables to make some comparative hypotheses regarding the whole Polynesian region, on the two categories of the gifts (fabrics/ foods), on the superior value of the first category and on the symbolism of the covering-envelope linked with the power of giving life.



How to Cite

Serge. (2022). Le don polynésien. Le cas de Samoa et une analyse régionale de la valeur cosmologique. L’Uomo Società Tradizione Sviluppo, 8(1), 123–137. Retrieved from https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/uomo/article/view/18011



Sezione monografica su “il dono in Oceania”