Le fluttuazioni economiche del dopoguerra nell'Europa Occidentale e il ruolo delle politiche governative. (The postwar business cycle in Western Europe and the role of government policy)
Business cycle, post-war period, Europe, policy, demand, employmentAbstract
The article examines the factors which have modified the operation of the business cycle in the post-war period and analyses the extent to which the experience of high levels of demand and employment has been due to accidental and temporary circumstances, to permanent changes in the structure and behaviour of the economy, or to improvements in economic policy. The author first characterises the postwar record in statistical terms and sets it in historical perspective. The factors which have contributed to high levels of European demand are then described, distinguishing between temporary and more permanent changes. Finally, the changed role of government is analysed in detail.
JEL: E32, E24, E60, F44
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