Fonti per la storia istituzionale dell’Inquisizione di Modena: un conflitto giurisdizionale tra inquisitore e ordinario a Carpi nel 1601


  • Silvia Toppetta Sapienza Università di Roma

Parole chiave:

Roman Inquisition, Duchy of Modena, Carpi, jurisdiction, ordinary/delegated authority


The relations between the inquisitor and the ordinary is a classical topic in the historical study of the Inquisition. The Duchy of Modena at the beginning of the XVIIth century shows a complex situation from a jurisdictional point of view, which is reflected on the one hand in a certain collaboration in the capital, and on the other hand in some conflict in the surrounding territories. An example of this is offered by the archpriest of Carpi, who did not intend to give up his “almost episcopal” prerogatives in the management of the clergy and of the local Jewish community, as can be seen both from the correspondence of the inquisitors and from the trials.






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