La «questione agraria» a sinistra. Origini e attività dell’Alleanza nazionale dei contadini (1945-1969)


  • Luca Serratore

Parole chiave:

Partito comunista italiano, Emilio Sereni, Palmiro Togliatti, Alleanza nazionale dei contadini, Cgil


The problem discussed on the left of the representation of direct farmers, entrusted since 1955 to the Alleanza nazionale contadini, constitutes a particular point of observation for re-analyzing the agricultural policy of the Italian Communist Party on the basis of the transformations that affected Italy in the 1950s and 1960s. . In the PCI an internal dialectic developed between the idea of an autonomous organization of smallholder peasants and the Marxist labor and proletarian tradition, not resolved with the establishment of the Alleanza nazionale contadini. This dialectic was also projected externally, affecting the difficult dialogue with the antagonist Coldiretti and with the Italian Socialist Party.






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