Two new Lamiogethes Audisio & Cline from China (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae, Meligethinae)
taxonomy, distribution, larval host-plants, pollen beetles, Lamiaceae.Abstract
Two new species of the genus Lamiogethes Audisio & Cline, 2009 are described from China (Sichuan): L. forcipenis sp. n., and L. convexistrigosus sp. n., based on a series of recently collected specimens. The new species are both likely morphologically related to L. potanini (Kirejtshuk, 1979) from Sichuan and to L. conjungens (Grouvelle, 1910) from Yunnan. These new species clearly differ from their related taxa by details of the body shape and color, and the distinct shape of the male and female genitalia. Both new species are likely associated as larvae with a member of the genus Phlomoides Moench (Lamiaceae).Downloads
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How to Cite
Liu, M., Huang, M., Cline, A. R. and Audisio, P. (2017) “Two new Lamiogethes Audisio & Cline from China (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae, Meligethinae)”, Fragmenta entomologica, 49(2), pp. 144–150. doi: 10.13133/2284-4880/256.
Research Articles