Lingue endocentriche ed esocentriche: la traduzione del verbo. Alcune riflessioni per una didattica del norvegese


  • Andrea Romanzi University of Reading



This contribution aims at investigating the translation problems that arise when translating between an endocentric and an exocentric language, paying particular attention to the case of Norwegian (endocentric) and Italian (exocentric). Due to their typological differences, the density of information is distributed differently between the two linguistic systems: Norwegian presents a higher lexical and informational weight in the verb, meanwhile in Italian a higher informational weight can be identified in the nominal arguments. Drawing on previous studies on Scandinavian languages and Italian (Korzen 2017, 2018; Jansen 2002b, 2003) this article focusses on the challenges encountered by translators when translating verbs from an endocentric to an exocentric language on the basis of the above- mentioned typological differences. The analysis of the examples taken from the translation of a Norwegian novel sheds light on the complex cognitive operations involved in the translation process, providing practical insights on the didactic of Norwegian as a foreign language through the investigation of translation praxis and techniques.




Come citare

Romanzi, A. (2022). Lingue endocentriche ed esocentriche: la traduzione del verbo. Alcune riflessioni per una didattica del norvegese. Status Quaestionis, (21).