Economic sanctions, supply-side shock and inflation: relevance of the Russian-Ukrainian war


  • Roberto Lampa CONICET, Argentina
  • Nadia Garbellini Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia



Russia, Economic crisis, International Monetary System, international trade


This special issue of Moneta e Credito discusses the economic consequences of the Russian-Ukranian war. We aim at focussing on the most topical changes that have been observed already in this preliminary stage of the conflict. Firstly, we investigate the economic sanctions against Russia and their economic and political consequences (Denis Melnik). Second, we analyse the impact of the aforementioned consequences on the regional economies (Joseph Halevi) and Italy, emphasizing the risks for our country due to the sanctions’ side effects (Giangrande, Cucignatto & Garbellini). Finally, we discuss the possible changes of the international monetary and payment systems, the international trade and global supply chains triggered by the conflict and the sanctions (Lampa, Esposito & Tori, Fantacci et al.).


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