The theoretical production on race and racism from 1990 to today. An overview of the Italian case


  • Giulia Fabbri Sapienza Università di Roma



In this article the author explores the path and the evolution of race and racism studies in Italy from the early 1990s to the present day. 1990 represents a turning-point in this field of study: until then the racial question and structural racism had not represented a significant research topic within the Italian academic context. With the beginning of the new decade and under the impulse of social and cultural factors a new academic production begins, which reveals specific features and implements groundbreaking theories and methodologies from overseas. The article, therefore, aims to trace the different phases of this path, underlining the strong connection between the theoretical production and the historical, social, political and cultural context within which it is included.

Author Biography

Giulia Fabbri, Sapienza Università di Roma

PhD in Gender Studies at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Modern Literature and Culture. Currently a research fellow.



How to Cite

Fabbri, G. (2021). The theoretical production on race and racism from 1990 to today. An overview of the Italian case. Transnational 20th Century. Literatures, Arts and Cultures, 5(2), 189–212.