Interfaces. Urban design education facing green transition, demographic shift, and environmental crisis


  • Francesca Frassoldati Politecnico di Torino, Future Urban Legacy Lab.
  • Nadia Caruso


Parole chiave:

Didattica del progetto urbano, Transizione ecologica, Marginalità territoriale


The post-crisis measures are perceived and anticipated as significant opportunities for the recovery and revitalization of cities and regions. Such opportunities for change mobilize spatial design efforts, even if their actual effects in regions that experience complex demographic and economic challenges remain open for debate. With our contribution, based on three-year design studio at Politecnico di Torino, we would like to reflect on how education in architectural schools addresses notions of marginality, places that are out of focus, and whether exploring ecological transitions in education may provide more conscious practitioners for the future. In the pedagogical process, ordinary villages intersect the interests of an international academic community; those same villages exemplify transition in context – questioning conventional agriculture and old industrialization processes; and through the experience international students are exposed to practices that broaden critical thinking.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Angelo H. (2021). How green became good. Urbanized nature and the making of cities and citizens. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

De Graaf R. (2023). Architect, verb. The new language of building. London-New York: Verso.

Rodríguez-Pose A. (2018). «The revenge of the places that don’t matter (and what to do about it)». Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society, 11(1): 189-209. DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsx024

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Till J. (2023). «Architecture Criticism against the Climate Clock». The Architectural Review, April 202: 6-10.

Till J. (2014). «Scarcity and Agency». Journal of Architectural Education, 68(1): 9-11. DOI: 10.1080/10464883.2014.864894




Come citare

Frassoldati, F., & Caruso, N. (2023). Interfaces. Urban design education facing green transition, demographic shift, and environmental crisis. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 10(14), 192–200.