Exploring Doctor-Patient Communication in Oncology: a Literature Synthesis on Coding Schemes and Self-Report Measures


  • Francesca Alby
  • Cristina Zucchermaglio Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Marilena Fatigante Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy




doctor-patient communication, oncology consultations, coding systems, self-report measures


This literature synthesis collects instruments used to analyze doctor-patient interactions in oncology consultations. Oncology visits are complex and demanding, requiring doctors to communicate difficult information to patients under high-stress conditions. Effective communication is crucial for successful cancer treatment and informed decision-making. Medical interaction coding systems and self-reporting questionnaires offer valuable tools for evaluating communication, research, physician training, and assessing training program efficacy. This review explores various coding systems and self-report measures, their applications, and distinctions between observation-based and self-report systems. The review highlights recent developments in the field, gaps in current research, and potential future directions, emphasizing the importance of addressing local healthcare system influences and incorporating intercultural considerations in coding systems to promote patient-centered care.

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How to Cite

Alby, F., Zucchermaglio, C., & Fatigante, M. (2024). Exploring Doctor-Patient Communication in Oncology: a Literature Synthesis on Coding Schemes and Self-Report Measures. Psychology Hub, 41(2). https://doi.org/10.13133/2724-2943/18389



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