Managing COVID-19 Induced Distress in Italy: The Role of Perceived Spiritual Support


  • Ankica Kosic Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Amy L. Ai Florida State University, USA



Concerns during the Covid-19 pandemic, psychological distress, perceived spiritual support


This research wanted to explore if perceived spiritual support (PSS) moderates the link between COVID-19 concerns and psychological distress. Two surveys were conducted in Italy in 2021, involving 218 participants in the first study and 230 participants in the second. Participants completed questionnaires assessing COVID-19 concerns, perceived economic difficulties, perceived spiritual support, and psychological distress. Multiple regression models were performed in both studies to test our hypotheses. In both studies the results demonstrated that the association between COVID-19 concerns and distress was more pronounced among individuals with low PSS compared to those with high PSS. These findings suggest that relying on spiritual support has assisted individuals in managing fear during the pandemic and mitigating distress.

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How to Cite

Kosic, . A., & Ai, A. L. (2024). Managing COVID-19 Induced Distress in Italy: The Role of Perceived Spiritual Support. Psychology Hub, 41(SPECIAL ISSUE).