Icone in maschera

La straordinarietà femminile negli universi finzionali: a partire da Eva Kant


  • Bianca Terracciano

Parole chiave:

semiotica, genere, masking, stereotipi, identificazione


As our understanding of gender and representation evolves, it is vital to evaluate the semiotic elements of gender extraordinariness to seek more real and empowering depictions of women in “masked” narratives. Extraordinary women are portrayed in various languages, like verbal, visual, and clothing. Eva Kant is “free,” but she must observe Diabolik’s rules and not interfere with his plans. Masquerade can be used to taxonomize representations of feminine extraordinariness in the fictional universe and develop a cross-cultural model of symbolic activity articulating forms of gender identification




Come citare

Terracciano, B. (2023). Icone in maschera: La straordinarietà femminile negli universi finzionali: a partire da Eva Kant. Mediascapes Journal, 21(1), 78–88. Recuperato da https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/18415