The Dynamics of Cultural Change: a Theoretical Frame with Reference to Italy-USA Relations


  • Guido Bonsaver Oxford University
  • Alessandro Carlucci Oxford University
  • Matthew Reza Oxford University



This essay proposes a theoretical frame capable of addressing questions of cultural change across disciplines. The cultural relations between Italy and the USA provide the empirical context to our theoretical work. These relations are considered as a two-way process based both on the migration of Italians to the USA, and on the influence of U.S. culture on Italy.

Our model has been developed around the idea of tracing the "journey" of a cultural object from one community to another. In order to avoid over-simplification, we have developed the flexible concept of culture zone which allows us to transcend rigid definitions imposed by national borders. A culture zone is an area, however big or small, defined by a relatively cohesive presence of shared practices and values. The theoretical framework we have developed derives from different fields such as cultural anthropology, linguistics, human geography, migration studies and semiotics.

In the essay we produce three particular case studies addressing three different fields - food culture, film history and language - in order to test and exemplify our model. We offer a visualization of the components and processes of cultural change and aim to provide a stimulating multi-disciplinary platform for the discussion of cultural change concerning Italy-USA relations. 

Author Biographies

Guido Bonsaver, Oxford University

Professor of Italian Cultural History
Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages (Oxford University)

Alessandro Carlucci, Oxford University

Oxford University

Matthew Reza, Oxford University

Oxford University


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How to Cite

Bonsaver, G., Carlucci, A., & Reza, M. (2019). The Dynamics of Cultural Change: a Theoretical Frame with Reference to Italy-USA Relations. Transnational 20th Century. Literatures, Arts and Cultures, 3(1), 107–130.