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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or proposed to another journal.
  • The article is written in accordance with the journal's editorial standards.
  • The paper is uploaded in one of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, RTF.
  • The paper file is anonymous: each author's name, affiliation, and email address will be included among the metadata and are not in the text of the article or among the document properties.
  • Together with the article, an abstract, in Italian and English, of 1.000 characters (including spaces) is required, as well as the English translation of the title, three significant keywords, in Italian and English.
  • Together with the article, a brief biographical note, including institutional email address, is required.
  • Authors have read, understood, and signed the license of publication on Tracce Urbane. Italian Journal of Urban Studies

Author Guidelines

Editorial rules

The articles (20,000 to 40,000 characters in length, depending on the section) are submitted to experts for evaluation.

The editors reserve the right to make minor formal changes to the text to bring it into line with the journal's editorial rules and graphic aspects.

Articles must be accompanied by an abstract (1,000 characters including spaces) in Italian and English, three keywords (Italian and English) and a brief biographical note including institutional email.

Information on the occasion or circumstances of the work, together with any acknowledgements, should be included in the first footnote.

For footnotes and bibliographical references the system to be used is Chicago.

In order to achieve the greatest possible uniformity and regularity in the presentation of contributions, contributors are requested to follow the editorial rules. Originals that do not correspond sufficiently will be returned to the authors for correction.

Proposals must be accompanied by the publication license of the Tracce Urbane. Italian Journal of Urban Studies, to be completed and uploaded to the platform during submission among the proposal files under 'Other'. Submissions without the license form signed by the author will not be considered.


The section In Dialogo/Dialogue is dedicated to a debate by experts on a topic (interviews, multi-voices conversations and discussions).The length of essays is 25,000 characters including spaces, bibliography and footnotes.


The Focus section is the main body of the Journal, hosting articles related to the monographic theme. Contributions are subjected to a double-blind peer review process by reviewers selected on the basis of specific expertise. In this section, the length of articles is about 40,000 characters, including spaces, bibliography and footnotes.


Dietro le quinte/Backstage section contains methodological articles on completed and ongoing field-research and on innovations emerging from collaborative/participatory research. Contributions are subjected to a double-blind peer review process by reviewers selected on the basis of specific expertise. In this section, the length of articles is about 40,000 characters, including spaces, bibliography and footnotes.


Osservatorio/Observatory is a section that includes survey articles and specific case studies, which contribute to the comparison and discussion of the scientific community in the different disciplinary fields of the journal. The section is reviewed by the internal editorial board or the issue's editors. Articles must have a maximum length between 20,000 and 30,000 characters, including spaces, bibliography and footnotes.


The Recensioni/Reviews section hosts reviews of books related to the theme of the issue or to the interests of the journal. The maximum length for contributions in this section is 8,000 characters, including spaces.


The Striscia/Strip section hosts visual contributions (drawings, illustrations and comics) which, through multiple narrative forms, contribute to enriching the scientific debate. 


The Portfolio section hosts photographic contributions proposed by photographers, researchers, artistic groups and collectives that explore, through the use of images, themes and insights proposed in the issue.

Off Topic

The Fuori Traccia/Off Topic section hosts scientific articles unrelated to the monographic theme but connected to the journal's topics and approach, with particular attention to interdisciplinarity. After an initial selection by the Editorial Board, the articles will undergo a double-blind peer review, with reviewers chosen based on specific expertise. The required length for articles in this section is between 30.000 and 40.000 characters, spaces included, including bibliography and footnotes.